Why Network Penetration Testing?

A network penetration test provides your organization with a view of your security system’s effectiveness. Newer companies may not yet have a handle on their network security. On the contrary, more mature companies often have large, multi-faceted networks that easily overlooked elements. Given enough time and effort, sophisticated modern-day hackers will find existing weaknesses in your network in both of these scenarios. That is why we at RedForce spend time and effort identifying vulnerabilities before hackers can exploit it.

Don’t Rely on Vulnerability Scans

Penetration tests is much deeper. It takes an experienced individual to understand the application context and how logic could be abused. Many vulnerabilities simply are not found in these automated vulnerability scanners. As a traditional vulnerability scan is performed using an automated security scanner that detects patterns and signatures that match a pre-defined set of vulnerabilities. However, RedForce offensive security engineers often employ the help of vulnerability scanners in the preliminary stages of an assessment, though it is only the beginning. With a more understanding of the application and its context, we can provide assessments that are more relevant to your clientele and company's security needs.

Our Services

External Network Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessment.

RedForce’s External Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Test identifies the weaknesses of your current environment, allowing you to see how it would handle different types of attacks. Once we’ve assessed your network for vulnerabilities, we conduct simulated real world attacks where we behave like the world’s most sophisticated cyberintruder to determine how those vulnerabilities could be exploited. Using the results, we also develop a remediation strategy that will help you mitigate the risks.

Internal Network Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessment.

RedFoce’s security engineers approach the internal network as a real-world attacker on the inside. We look for company sensitive information and other assets. This involves using an arsenal of tools, reveal user credentials, and attempting to compromise virtual/physical machines present in the local network. What makes internal network pentesting really important is ensuring a breach of your external network will not result in a breach of your sensitive assets.

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